5 years later ...

 Five years ago, Leap Day of 2016, I embarked on a "cruise" - though not the desirable kind. It was my first day of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for rectal cancer... 

Feb 29, 2016: LEAP DAY! What an appropriate day to start my journey proper. Today I embarked "SS Optimistic"! It's a luxury cruise liner complete with world class health care facilities and specialists — destination CURE.

 The cruise entailed some smooth sailing and a few port-calls of rest, but most of the time was spent in very rough seas. It was, by far, the most awful experience of my life thus far, but in no way would I call it a negative experience.

 My treatment, with a few complications, lasted for 9 months. My recovery - to feeling remotely 'normal' again (a new normal that is!) - took another year. I claimed the "CANCER-FREE" title the moment I came out of surgery to remove the tumor on June 27, 2016. My doctors will bestow the title on me in this, my 5th year post. 

 Faith was the largest component of my journey, my treatment and my healing. Without faith in God, and the strength of his Son, Jesus, and the continual presence and reassurance of His Spirit within me I would not have been able to endure 2016 and count the blessings in its wake. One of many Scriptures that carried me through was:

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18  

 As a family, we experienced the abundant love of God expressed through our church families and others in the form of prayers, words of encouragement and hope, generosity, help, an abundance of meals, prayer shawls and blankets, visits, flowers, gifts, donations, tears, laughter, warm hugs, and the gift of our precious dog. God's healing power flowed through countless "healthcare heroes" - doctors, nurses, aides and therapists - and world-class healthcare/treatment, but it also came directly from heaven. God's faithfulness and grace was shown in countless answered prayers. I was reminded of God's presence through our beautiful dog Biskit - my constant and faithful companion and shadow, unconditionally loving me, still to this day.

 I encountered many incredible people on my journey: some were fellow cancer battlers, some were healthcare professionals, many of them were friends, and countless were unknown to me. These amazing people were beacons of light, pillars of strength, warriors in prayer, messengers of hope and encouragement, and the hands and feet of God overflowing with generosity. My mother-in-law was an angel sent from heaven. My love and appreciation for my husband and children grew exponentially as I watched them fight alongside me and care for me. All of them inspired me to pay-it-forward.

Worship and music were a huge part of my journey too. Worship kept me focused on God rather than myself. Christian music was my refuge from the pain and awfulness of chemotherapy side-effects. There were so many songs that gave voice to my thoughts, feelings, pain, hope, and heart-cry. You can find some of them here: https://atr-sp.blogspot.com/2019/07/playlist-for-battlers.html - note that this is not the entire list, just my most listened to. Worship through music continues to be a daily exercise.

 So here I am, 5 years on, almost officially CANCER FREE (as of June 27, I guess?) My semi-annual follow-up visits are finally coming to an end. I told my oncologist recently, "Not to be offensive, but I will be glad not to see you!" He laughed. My last appointment is in July.

 I appreciate food more than ever after having an altered sense of taste for a year. I am more mindful of what I/we eat, I grow more food, preserve more food, prepare most meals from scratch, eat more veggies, and I make more desserts - because life is too short! And I find joy in making meals for others in need.

 I consciously appreciate my life, excellent health, my family, and my blessings, and I try not to take anything for granted. When I find myself less-than-appreciative, or less-than-loving, or less-than-compassionate, I remember my journey, my faith, and the preciousness of life and people and it sets me back on track.  

And I give all the glory and praise to God. 

Fall 2020